Pump Action Airsoft Shot Gun By Airsoft Gun India

Pump Action Airsoft Shot Gun By Airsoft Gun India.
It's a plastic toy rifle for kids, a child above the age of 4 can play with this toy rifle.
Reliability and functionality are what makes a Pump Action Shotgun become iconic this is a plastic-made Airsoft gun toy Shotgun its fun to shoot and you will love it for sure.
It's an Economic plastic toy there is no guarantee or warranty of the product.
Goods Once sold no refund or exchange will be made available.
Pump Action Airsoft Shot Gun By Airsoft Gun India
Reliability and functionality are what makes a Pump Action Shotgun become iconic this is a plastic-made Airsoft gun toy Shotgun its fun to shoot and you will love it for sure.
There are 3 types of different airsoft guns. Electric, gas, and spring-powered guns.
It's an Economic plastic toy there is no guarantee or warranty of the product.
Goods Once sold no refund or exchange will be made available.
This here is a spring-powered airsoft shotgun. It does not require any batteries or gas to operate. All you simply need to do is cock the airsoft gun by pulling the pump-action back and you are ready to fire. Just cock and shoot for each shot. This Pump action is a pistol-grip shotgun with stock. Come order yours today!
Type: Pump Action Shotgun
Model: Pump Action Shotgun
Category: Airsoft toy Shotgun
Material: Plastic
Colour: Black
Weight: 345gm
Size: 64 length , 13 cm breadth
Ammo: plastic 6 mm BBs
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